Request for exceptional apprenticeship transfer support from DfE

Further education and training providers Provider Closure Employer Apprenticeships Provider Termination


Last updated

From: Education and Skills Funding Agency


If a training provider you work with has its apprenticeship funding agreements with ESFA terminated, they may no longer be able to deliver apprenticeship training for your apprentices.

This means that you will likely need to find another provider to help your apprentices complete their apprenticeship programme.

If you have attempted and have been unsuccessful in finding and appointing a suitable alternative apprenticeship provider, and have exhausted your options, you can request exceptional support from DfE.

What are the reasons why an employer may be unable to identify a suitable alternative apprenticeship provider?

Sometimes, you might encounter difficulty in finding an appropriate alternative apprenticeship provider using the Find Apprenticeship Training service. This can happen for various reasons, including:

  • The search criteria used on Find Apprenticeship Training has not identified any providers. This could be because of your proximity to available training providers, and/or your apprentice(s), might be undertaking a specialised apprenticeship standard that is not widely offered.
  • The providers identified through Find Apprenticeship Training may no longer offer the apprenticeship standard your apprentice(s) are enrolled in.
  • The providers listed on Find Apprenticeship Training may not provide training at your workplace, requiring your apprentice(s) to travel to their premises for training. This arrangement might not be ideal for you or your apprentice(s)
  • Even though you found potential providers using Find Apprenticeship Training, when you contacted them, they said they couldn't help your apprentice(s) for various reasons such as, your apprentice(s) not having sufficient funding remaining to cover the remainder of their apprenticeship training.
  • The apprenticeship standard undertaken by your apprentice(s) may be being ‘retired’ and as such, providers may have stopped offering it via Find Apprenticeship Training.

What steps must an employer take to source their own alternative training provider before requesting exceptional apprenticeship transfer support from DfE

Before DfE considers providing exceptional support, it is crucial that you have explored all available self-help options.

You are responsible for finding and appointing a suitable alternative apprenticeship provider that can help your apprentice complete their apprenticeship.

You can search for eligible providers using the Find Apprenticeship Training service on GOV.UK.

How do I request exceptional apprenticeship transfer support from DfE?

To request exceptional support from DfE, follow these steps using the Customer Help Portal:

  • When prompted with the "Is this enquiry about a specific organisation?" screen select "yes" and provide details of your previous provider.
  • When asked "What is your enquiry about?" select "Provider Closure."
  • On the enquiry details screen, you will be prompted to specify the nature of your enquiry.
  • In the "Add a short title" box, type "Request for exceptional apprenticeship transfer support from DfE."
  • In the "What is your enquiry?" box, include the following information at least:
  • Confirm details of the apprentice(s) covered in your request for exceptional support, including the number of individuals, the apprenticeship standard they are enrolled in, and the location of their workplace (postcode).
  • Inform DfE about the steps you've already taken, including which providers you've contacted.
  • Describe the barriers you've encountered with the providers you've reached out to.
  • If applicable, attach any relevant documents such as email correspondence between you and a provider you have reached out to.
  • Please note DfE need you to share the above information so we can understand what steps you have already taken and understand how we can help you further.

What support will DfE offer?

DfE have comprehensive access to review which providers offer and deliver specific apprenticeships. DfE will use internal apprenticeship data to review which providers deliver the training your apprentice(s) need near your location.

DfE will supply you with a list of potential providers who you can contact.

As apprenticeships are employer-led, it is your responsibility to decide which provider you contact and potentially contract with to deliver apprenticeship training to your apprentices; DfE cannot have these discussions on your behalf. You must undertake your own due diligence before entering a contractual relationship with a provider.

The list provided by the DfE will contain:

  • Name and UKPRN of the provider
  • Location (main address of the provider and where they deliver the apprenticeship)
  • Contact details of the provider
  • Published quality data, such as the most recent Ofsted inspection outcome and the provider's latest qualification achievement rates

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