College Financial Health: Accessing the College Financial Health Review Letter and Governing Body Finance Dashboard

Further education and training providers General information


Last updated

From: Education and Skills Funding Agency

College financial health review letters and governing body finance dashboards are accessed via the secure dissemination portal, View Your Education Data (VYED)

Before you start
To access the services on VYED portal users will need to action the following:

Where can I find my college financial health review letter?
To access your letter, please go through the following steps:

  • Select ‘College financial reporting’ from the main menu.
  • Select ‘College financial health’.
  • Select ‘Documents and downloads’ to view and select the relevant letter.

Where can I find my interactive governing body finance dashboard?
To access your interactive financial dashboard, please go through the following steps:

  • Select ‘College financial reporting’ from the main menu.
  • Select ‘College financial health’.
  • Select ‘Governing Body Finance Dashboard’.

Can I download a copy of the finance dashboard?
The dashboards have been created as an interactive tool for use online, but a downloadable pdf copy is also available from the ‘Documents and downloads’ folder.

If you require any further support, please use the Customer Help Portal.

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