DfE Sign-In - update contact details in Get Information About Schools (GIAS)

Maintained Schools Academies Local Authorities


Last updated

From: Education and Skills Funding Agency

Get Information About Schools (GIAS) is a service added to your DfE sign-in account . This is added to your profile by the approver for your organisation.

It is important that the organisation keep the information in GIAS up to date as it contributes to the information Deparment for Education (DfE) use. 

It ensures that we send emails to the correct person within your organisation for example emails regarding financial matters are sent to the Financial Officer. 

It is also a requirement set out in the Academies Financial Handbook that a trust must notify Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) of changes to the governance information within 14 calendar days. 

Where changes can be made

Updates are completed by your organisation in Get Information About Schools. Updates would include changes to governance, contact details, if there is a sixth form or nursery provision, capacity etc. 

Your academy’s record should be confirmed as up to date if no changes are needed within 60 days of a previous update and/or confirmed as correct.

What happens if details are not updated?

If the academy or trust record is not updated within this period, all contacts listed against the academy or trust in GIAS will receive a reminder email that this action is required. 

A reminder will be sent on a weekly basis until the record is confirmed as correct or any necessary changes are made and confirmed. 

You will also see a reminder box with a requirement to confirm records are correct when you log on to GIAS.  

Who can make the changes?

Please note that you will only be able to update information as determined by your level of access. 

For example, if you have academy access you will not be able to update information at a trust level and you would need trust level access setting up on your account. 

This can be done for you by the approver within your academy or trust. If you do not know who your approver is, contact us

Why has our establishment record not been updated?

If a particular field or fields on your establishment record have not been updated it is because when as establishment updates it's Get Information About School (GIAS) establishment record, some fields require local authority or Departmental approval (Establishment type dependent). Once these change requests are approved the record will be automatically updated.

If the change requests are not approved, your establishment may need to provide supplementary evidence to the relevant local authority approver or Departmental policy team.

GIAS guidance 

For help in using GIAS, read our FAQs, general guidance and glossary.  These pages are very helpful and will answer general queries you may have.

Need support?

You can talk to our community for peer to peer support.

If you have a specific query about that is not covered by this information or the guidance, please contact us using the Customer Help Portal.

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