Funding Information System Error
This article aims to assist FIS users when they encounter the following error screen:
Image shows FIS error screen, ‘Sorry there’s a problem’ surrounded by a red box.
Please check the following are correct before trying to upload the file again:
- Check the FIS has been extracted from the zipped folder before running. Please follow this link for a guide on file compression: Zip and unzip files
- Check that you are uploading the FIS from your C: Drive. FIS will not run on a shared/network device for security reasons.
- You have enough free space on your storage device. Use ‘My Computer’ in file explorer and ensure you have at least 25% of your memory free.
- Make sure you are using the latest version of FIS. Please follow this link to download the latest version FIS (Funding Information Service) tool
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If this doesn’t work, please forward a full screenshot of your FIS including the version number along with your error log file to the Customer Help Portal. The error log file is in the ‘Logs’ folder where your FIS is installed.
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