Apprenticeship Service Data Mismatches - Dlock_07

Further education and training providers DLOCK_07 DLOCK


Last updated

From: Education and Skills Funding Agency


Submit learner data > Download reports > Apprenticeship data match report.

The report is generated in the download reports folder after each submission that passes through validation. It is also generated again in the Apps period end reports, after the data close.


The information on your ILR submission does not match the information held on the apprenticeship service.

Dlock_07 is triggered when there is no matching negotiated price.

Action to take

If you have amended the TNP price directly in your ILR or added new TNP records and backdated these to the start date of the apprenticeship or a previous funding year, you will need to amend the TNP price back to its original state and then introduce new TNP record(s) with a date in the current funding year (after 1st August).

After amendment, you will probably have three, or more, TNP records (an example is below after the addition of an assessment cost):

TNP 1 - original record, dated on programme start.

TNP 1 - new price record, dated after start date, and within the current funding year 

TNP 2 - assessment price, dated same as new TNP 1.

For example, TNP 1 £5000 dated 5/10/20 (original start date) then record a new TNP 1 £4500 and TNP 2 £500 both dated 5/8/22 (must be in the current funding year).

Top Tip: Always add new negotiated prices in a timely manner. Do not overwrite or amend prices that have been included in previous ILR data collection periods. 

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