Apprenticeship Service Data Mismatches - Dlock_12
Submit learner data > Download reports > Apprenticeship data match report.
The report is generated in the download reports folder after each submission that passes through validation. It is also generated again in the Apps period end reports, after the data close.
The information on your ILR submission does not match the information held on the apprenticeship service.
Dlock_12 is triggered when an employer has paused the commitment (when a learner is on a break in learning and a PAUSE is recorded in the AS account). For providers it is an indicator that payments are being withheld while the PAUSE is active.
The learner should be recorded on your ILR submission as a break in learning.
When the Employer un-pauses the record, the error will be removed from the data match report.
The ESFA Customer Service Team are unable to remove or amend paused records so the employer will need to raise this with the National Apprenticeship Service if they believe this has already been removed but the error still shows.
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