Eve Taylor

Removing learning aims with one day from ILR?



Just looking at our PDSAT and report 23A-503: Learners Aims with actual duration of one day. We have a few under here as they were withdrawn back to start. Can we remove these AIMS from the ILR so they stop appearing on this report or is it best to keep these in?




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Steve Hewitt

If they were withdrawn back to start because they *never* attended then take them out.

If they attended one session and then disappeared it's kind of up to you. I'd leave them in personally (and annotate the PDSAT to that end) but some people get rid.

Ben James

Steve's hot on the trigger today! Was just going to reference the guidance below, which is essentially what he's said:

You must include learners in the ILR who have attended one episode of learning. If a learner withdraws within the funding qualifying period, the learner must still be included in the ILR.

If a learner withdraws without completing one episode of learning, for example without attending the first class, then they must not be included in the ILR.


Steve Hewitt

(heh, I'm putting off writing some Job Descriptions ;))

Richard Phipps

If the learner was present in the ILR for the R14 in the previous academic year then we follow this Provider Support Manual Guidance:

Learners reported in the previous year as continuing who have now been identified as withdrawn

On the learning aim, set the Completion status to code 3 ‘withdrawn’ and complete the Withdrawal reason field with the relevant code. Record the Learning actual end date as the last day the learner was in learning: this will be in the previous ILR year, do not use 1 August of the current year.

You must add a Destination and Progression record for this learner if applicable.


For learners who never attended we put them in just for one day to close off their record.. I know they are treated as withdrawn in the QaR stats, but otherwise they set these as continuing in one year and nothing in the subsequent years which is confusing.

Steve Hewitt

Sure but, ideally, you should have a process to get these all sorted by R14 (although let those who have never ever done this cast the first stone, categorically not suggesting I'm perfect here!) even if they're July starts.

But, yes, when one slips through the net, it's very important to close them off in the following year's ILR, or they'll end up affecting your QAR the year after.