James Rudge

ERROR: Rule Name R141


We have new error from the IRS upload that we are not familiar with. We cannot see anything in the field values that could be causing this error. Has anyone witnessed something similar or have any suggestions for a fix?

Thanks (see below)

Rule Name Field Values Error Message
R141 ProgType=XX|AimType=X|LearnActEndDate=|LearnAimRef=XXXXXXX| There must be a Skills Bootcamp subject learning aim in an open Skills Bootcamp programme


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Martin West

If there is an open Skills Bootcamp programme then there must be one of the subject learning aim present in the programme with the same contract reference number.

Have you followed the guidance in the PSM? https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/psm/article/recording-skills-bootcamps-ilr


James Rudge

We have component level and a learning aim and the contract reference number is the same on both.

Just to confirm as well - the learners have not completed yet.

Could it relate to anything else?

Martin West

What about the programme aim ZPROG001 (AimType 1)?

James Rudge

Yes we have that programme aim reference.

We had learners with the same information inputted that didn't pull this error - which is causing confusion

Martin West

Do you have any other component aims apart from the one LARS_CategoryRef  = 62

The full error code is here:

error where
the contract reference number (LearningDelivery.ConRefNumber) on the component aim (AimType = 3) is the same as the programme aim (AimType =1)
LearningDelivery.ProgType = 32
LearningDelivery.AimType = 1
LearningDelivery.LearnActEndDate is not returned
and a subject learning aim does not exist 
LearningDelivery.AimType = 3
LARS_CategoryRef  = 62 (where LearningDelivery.LearnAimRef = LARS_LearnAimRef and LearningDelivery.LearnStartDate >=  LARS_EffectiveFrom and <= LARS_EffectiveTo in LARS_LearningDeliveryCategory)

Helen Howitt

Hi James Rudge. I am curious to know if you remember how you resolved this R141 error for your continuing learners? Thank you

James Rudge

Hi Helen Howitt

The issue is now resolved. If I remember correct;ly, it was due to my learning aim code being incorrect. Please see my latest response from the ESFA on the matter:

It is the learning aim code that is triggering the error. All learning aims must be category code 62 as per the guidance. The aim currently used in your data is Z0009732, category code 60.

Cat Code 62 Skills Bootcamps - Subject Learning

Z0059750 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Construction Level 2
Z0059751 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Green Level 2
Z0059752 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Green Construction Level 2
Z0059753 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Green Engineering Level 2
Z0059754 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Construction Level 3
Z0059755 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Green Level 3
Z0059756 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Green Construction Level 3
Z0059757 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Green Engineering Level 3
Z0059758 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Digital Level 3
Z0059759 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Digital Cyber Level 3
Z0059760 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Engineering Level 3
Z0059761 DfE Skills Bootcamps - Technical Level 3

The interview off aim is recorded following the above (if applicable).


I hope that helps


Helen Howitt

Hi James Rudge. Yes, that is very helpful, thank you!