Ben Bullers

Reconciling Period End Reports


Hi all

Is anyone having any issues reconciling their Period End Reports? Every month I add my MPR payments, Data Match values, and any completion earning that haven't been paid because of co-investment issues and the resulting figure reconciles to our indicative earnings report.

This month it doesn't reconcile and after a bit of digging I've got completion payments on our Indicative that aren't appearing in the MPR, Data Match, or co-investment report. Some of them i can see are data match issues in DAS but they don't appear on the data match report.

Was just wondering if anyone else was struggling to reconcile this month or if it's just me?

Many thanks



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Steve Hewitt

Hmmm, mine looks OK, but I don't think we've got any new completions (or any DLOCKs) this month...