Ann Bennett

Attendance registers


Do we have to have paper registers? We moved to in-house delivery of Adult Learning and have a system in place for our tutors to complete attendance registers electronically. We want to enforce the use of this, however we have been advised that the paper copies should still be held on the site of learning in case of emergencies such as a fire. I was interested to know how others manage this? 


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Steve Hewitt

Nah, not this century ;)

Fire evacuations should be done by marshalls checking the building is empty, not by taking names once everyone is outside...

There's certainly no funding or audit rule requiring a paper register, let's put it that way.

Nicola Tabern

Hi is it an ESFA requirement that learner attendance at lessons is not just confirmed by us (TP), but also by the learner ticking a register to confirm they attended please?



Steve Hewitt

No, attendance marked by the tutor/member of staff is considered sufficient.