Paul Blackshaw

Apprenticeship 'Planned End Date' is changing in 2024/25


The published ILR Specification for 2024/25 is defining the Learning Planned End Date for apprenticeship standards as including "both the training and end point assessment period for continuing learners." 

If this is correct, the impact is generally positive in terms of addressing the current imbalance in the QAR methodology for apprenticeship standards. But what about the impact on funding as the funding instalments (OPPs) inevitably become spread over a longer duration? I've just calculated that one of my provider clients will see their monthly OPPs reduce by £115 per month per apprentice as a result of this!!

Does anyone else think this is a huge step in the wrong direction? 


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Ben James

Might be an unpopular opinion, but I kinda of prefer it. Smaller payments, yes, but also means you're not receiving nothing during the EPA period and you're getting the same amount overall. Also slightly more 'appropriate' for the QAR, as you've pointed out.

They do need to address the other 24/25 guidance though, as it still says 

Recording apprenticeship standards

All apprenticeship standard aims must be recorded using Programme type code 25 (apprenticeship standard).

You must complete the Apprenticeship standard code field with the code for the standard from the LARS database.

Where the programme started on or after 1st August 2019, the apprenticeship standard programme aim must include only the training period, and not the end point assessment period.


Gill Knight

I personally would like to see both. 

Using planned learning can cause issues with the learner looking as though they have not achieved in HESA and eating into the timeframe after which the IT accounts are automatically closed removing all access to what they need in order to complete the apprenticeship. I am fed up of reports telling me they are 'beyond planned end date' when they are in EPA however it will also impact the OTJ calculation ... again. Hopefully all will be considered before the start of 2024/5

Gill Knight

Interestingly this is not in the summary of changes document ?

David Dalby

Surely the spec has to be wrong, with omission of the wording: "For new starts on or after August 2019, the planned end date must only include the learning related to the learning aim and not include the end point assessment period." The new spec only cover "continuers", so what do you do about new apprentices? One to watch if Spec gets updated, or the Guidance as they can't both be right! Well spotted Paul!

Matthew Rogers

I think the methodology is perhaps a good thing but the implications for training providers are going to be massive. The typical EPA duration for us is 4 months, so this will significantly hit our revenue next year. Our start targets are modest at 330 but we will be losing on average £100 a month per apprentice. 

Ruth Canham-James

Surely that can't be right? The payments would get divided up into too small increments, then when they actually finish and we enter an AED, that's going to create big balancing payments if they actually complete as expected. That's going to be hard to manage financially for us and the employers.

David Dalby

I still think the line starts after 2019 has been missed off accidently. I can't see the payments being spread past learning end date. Who's asking the Helpdesk...?

Paul Blackshaw

I will ask the ESFA for confirmation whether the new definition is correct and will update on here when I get an answer. 

David Dalby

Good luck Paul!

Emma Topham

This is not a new statement, it has been in the ILR spec for years which is why I think there is confusion if you have only just noticed it. You would think they would amend this statement in the latest spec. See ILR spec from 20/21 which is still available online: ILR Specification 2020 to 2021: Field: Learning planned end date (

I would personally like to see ILR fields being amended/added to include practical and overall planned end date so that it is in line with the apprenticeship agreement, this way, we still get OPPs as normal, but also more appropriate for QAR data.

Kevin Bunn

Good morning all, I belive that Paul has missed the last paragraph:

  • For apprenticeship standards, the Learning planned end date must include both the training and end point assessment period for continuing learners. For new starts on or after August 2019, the planned end date must only include the learning related to the learning aim and not include the end point assessment period.

It states clearly that the Planned End date for all new Starts on or after Aug 2019 ONLY includes the Learning, not EPA.


Paul Blackshaw

The 2024/25 definition has been updated this morning to mirror the existing definition for 2023/24 by adding "For new starts on or after August 2019, the planned end date must only include the learning related to the learning aim and not include the end point assessment period."

Steve Hewitt

Ooh, just beat me to it!

Rachael McGouran-Hine (ESFA)

It was recently brought to our attention that there was an error with regards to the planned end date for 2024/25. 

We apologise for any confusion caused by this error. 

We have now updated this on the live site and it now reads correctly with no change from previous years