Ann Weldon

AEB residency - eligible for funding?


Hi, I am hoping someone will be able to help me before I ask the ESFA

We have a learner looking to do an AEB course with us

He has a Nigerian passport, has a BRP, expires 31.12.24, type of permit is 'Student leave to enter', remarks on BRP = no public funds, (am I right in thinking this is not to do with funding)

He hasn't been in the UK for 3 years

Is he eligible?  Any help would be greatly appreciated


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Kelly Knights

Learners on student visas are not eligible for funding.

Ann Weldon

Thanks Kelly, is there more guidance out there other do determine these scenarios?

Kelly Knights

If you look in the residency section of the funding rules there is a section that refers to those not eligible and student visas (specifically tier 4) appear there.

Ann Weldon

Hi Kelly, would you know where dependent leave to enter fits into the funding rules, thanks so much for your help on this

Kelly Knights

It would be dependant on the residency status of the dependant/spouse. If they had a student visa the learner would not be eligible but if they had a British passport they would be. Normally its the dependant/spouse (referred to as the principal in the funding rules) that must have been here for 3 years, rather than the learner but best to double check the rules.