
Merger - transferring learners through Gateway already


Hi, We have recently been through a merger and it was agreed that the Apprentices would continue being returned on the old UKPRN / ILR until the end of the year. We have now been informed that I need to transfer some old procured non-levy learners over too the new UKPRN ILR.

In-line with the merger process in the technical guidance/ provider support manual it was agreed that the original TNP, start dates and end dates etc should remain the same, we need to return the PMUKPRN field, and NLM 17. All that seems fine. But…. All these learners are through gateway and over their expected end dates. So I can’t enter them on the ILR as it is telling me the actual learning end date (Jan 24)  can’t be before the start date (1st March for merger).  They are through Gateway and just taking their EPAs.

Any ideas how I can get the ILR / PICS to accept these learners on the new UKPRN when they have historic actual learning dates (and their expected ends have passed as well)? Entering the Original start date of 2019 (had BIL and other issues) hasn’t made a difference. Any help would be gratefully received!


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