Elisabeth Watson

Growth Pilot Draft Funding Rules


Hello, does anyone have a copy of the draft funding rules for the apprenticeship growth pilot announced in the budget?  They issued them in March on the back of a webinar but I never received them.  Despite my requesting them previously, the dedicated email address have replied to me this morning saying that as they were in draft and are being rewritten they are no longer relevant.  However, I would really appreciate seeing them so that we had a small idea of the restrictions that the capital funding boost would come with!

Any help appreciated




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Darren Vidler

Hi Elisabeth Watson,

If you're still looking for these drop your e-mail here and I'll send across.



Elisabeth Watson

Thank you Darren, but since posting this, the growth pilot team have re-issued them so I have a copy now.

kind regards



Darren Vidler

Elisabeth Watson I wouldn't mind an opportunity to ask a question offline re the growth pilot if that would be okay with you? If so, could you drop me an e-mail at darren.vidler@tiro.co.uk

