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It drops him from Band 4a to Band 2.....he would need 29 hours more to get to Band 3. Even if we counted the GCSE hours to the end of this term he would not make it into the next band. I'll go back to the MIS Manager and give him the info so it can be discussed further :)
Many thanks again, Steve!
Rachel Dennis
Study Programme Transfer to Apprenticeship But Continuing GCSE
We have an Apprentice who transferred over from Study Programme. He has been allowed to continue with his GCSEs that he studied as part of the Study Programme as he was close to sitting the exam at the point of transfer - he had about 6 weeks left on the GCSEs.
We are reducing the Planned Taught Hours to actual hours delivered for the Study Programme but as he is continuing with the GCSEs, I've been asked if they should be included. I am now concerned that the GCSEs (FM25) are overlapping with the Apprenticeship Programme (FM36) funding:
"Providers must ensure that they do not draw down two sources of ESFA funding for the same period of time when a learner progresses from a study programme to an apprenticeship programme. In such instances, the provider can either reduce the study programme's planned hours to the learner's period of actual attendance or reduce the apprenticeship funding to remove any overlap over the period where it claimed two sources of funding."
Will including the GCSE hours in the actual hours delivered figure resolve this issue? Is there another solution - I've not experienced this scenario before.