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Can you give us an example of one of those that achieved in the 22/23 year that you are saying, in your view, should be counted in the 23/24 year? Was there learning actual end year, planned end year, and achievement year all in 22/23? If so, the reporting year doesn't matter, because there's nothing left to report.
Thanks Ben. So an example:
- Start date: 14/04/2022
- Learning expected end: 13/05/2023
- Expected end: 13/01/2024
- Actual end: 31/03/2023
Can I confirm what it means by reporting year? We report monthly, so if a learner starts in August 2023, we report them in R01, so does that mean 23/24 is our report year for this learner?
Also, Year First Reported Completed, is it the date we processed the learner as achievers/ leavers (that is my understanding).
Did you record the Actual End Date timely (as in, was the 31.03.23 end date recorded before 22/23 closed in October 2023)? Also, is your 13.05.23 'learning expected end' date the one recorded on the ILR and then a 8 month EPA period to the 13.01.24 date or is that something else?
No need to apologise, there are a lot of dates to consider when working out QAR! Assuming it's the 13.05.23 date that you have recorded on the ILR in the 'learning planned end date' field, I would say that this learner counts towards your 22/23 QAR. The only one of your dates that falls into 23/24 is the 'expected end' which I'm not 100% how that differs to your 'learning expected end'? If this is the date you've used on the ILR instead then it would mean they would impact the 23/24 QAR.
Would I be right in assuming the 'expected end' date of 13/1/24 above is when you anticipated they'd complete EPA, and is therefore not the planned end date in your ILR? If so, and on the basis that all other dates fall within the 22/23 funding year, this is why you are seeing this learner affect your 22/23 QAR.
Some of our programmes have very long EPA process, so their EPA period can last 6 months. So learning planned end is when they are supposed to complete all their learning and ready for gateway and, planned end is just when they are supposed to achieve. Am I right to say that the following 2 are the learning period, and not including the gateway/ EPA, if that makes sense:
- planned end year of the learning aim
- actual end year of the learning aim
Because if that is, we have been looking at the wrong dates...
Also, If I am looking at this document here, the Hybrid year end is either:
• the achievement year of an apprenticeship
• the actual end year of an apprenticeship
• the planned end year of an apprenticeship
• the reporting year
whichever is later. And this is I use to run my reports. So the documents aren't consistent either.
Correct, on the basis that the QAR gets it's dates from the ILR which, per the specification..
For new starts on or after August 2019, the planned end date must only include the learning related to the learning aim and not include the end point assessment period.
For apprenticeship standards on a programme aim, the Learning Actual End Date will be completed after all learning has taken place and does NOT include the end point assessment period.
The reporting year is principally included to account for delays. For instance, if all other dates fell in 2223 but for some reason (e.g., as a result of delays with the EPAO) you were not able to report the achievement itself until half way through 2324, your hybrid end year would be 2324.
Thao Nguyen
Hybrid year confusion
I understand that the hybrid end year is the later of the:
We have learners on our systems that should have fallen into 23/24 if based on the above (if based on reporting year), but are actually recorded as 22/23 (based on their achievement date).
I have a PowerBI report that calculates the hybrid year based on the criteria above and the QAR data from ViewMyData make my question my report so much as EFSA data is more than 2% off of my own report. I even tried to follow the steps on page 20-21 of this document Qualification achievement rates: education and training specification 2023 to 2024 (, and it's even more confusing.
If anyone can help me understand this, that would be great. Thank you!