Chris Roberts

GCSE Hours Reduction


HI all 

Can anyone advise if we should reduce the hours for a GCSE resit we did in November 23?
The aim was planned from Aug 23 - June 24 but we entered the learner early for a November resit as he desperately needed it before xmas. Should we reduce the hours in the ILR for this early achievement? I only thought that you were supposed amend the ILR hours for aims' that withdraw or complete within the first 6 weeks. 



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Steve Hewitt

Did the rest of the class continue? If so then "no, don't change the hours" because you've still got the cost of delivering. Also, you couldn't know for certain that they'd pass in November...

If you had a whole cohort planned for the year who all stopped in November then that's a different matter as there's clearly no cost (this is an extreme example, but I've seen classes stopping at Easter that were planned for the whole year get picked up by auditors before and those term 3 hours removed)

(also, more importantly, does it change the learner's band? If all you're doing is going from 620 to 590 then it literally doesn't matter...)

Chris Roberts

Yes just 1 learner from roughly 90 in year. He's only a band 1 though just on the gcse aim so if an auditor removed the hours from November to June it would be the majority.  We run the sessions right up until the last week before the exams start and can evidence this through attendance reports. Learner has completed 63 hours from 123 planned as we packed in additional sessions before the November exam. 
Perhaps I'm just overthinking it, cheers Steve.