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Perfect timing. I have had a request in on this point (having a previously higher level) with the DfE since July and received a response this morning;
The Specialist Support team have been in touch today to let us know the following information:
Where an exemption is applied, we will except Entry Level 3 in English and/or Maths as a minimum. Provider should provide further learning to continually improve levels of Maths and/or English as appropriate.
Paragraph 47 in the funding rules cover this. We will aim to clarify this section further when future versions are published.
47. Although the apprentice will be exempt from the regular English and / or maths minimum requirements, providers must plan and evidence how the apprentice will access further literacy and numeracy development, including level 1 and level 2 courses, as part of their overall training provision, if appropriate. This rule only applies if the apprentice meets all of the criteria set out in paragraph 46. The judgement must be formal and structured and conducted by an appropriate professional associated with the provider (or subcontractor), such as the head of special educational needs (SEN) or student support, or an equivalent individual with suitable knowledge and expertise. It must include:
47.1. A judgement of the apprentice's current English and maths ability;
47.2. Information on how the learning difficulty or disability affects the apprentice's English and maths abilities and a clear indication of whether English and / or maths are affected;
47.3. A judgement of the apprentice's ability to meet the regular English and maths requirements even with appropriate support in place;
47.4. The creation of a recommended learning plan to enable the apprentice to achieve entry-level 3 functional skills in the adjusted subject(s) and, where appropriate, to continue to build on their literacy and numeracy skills by accessing further courses; and
47.5. A copy of an education, health and care (EHC) plan (or one of the legacy equivalents: a statement of special educational need (SEN) or a learning difficulty assessment (LDA)) or the evidence of the assessment as outlined in 46.1.
Therefore, if your apprentice meets the exemption criteria but they hold a historic qualification at level 1, this will not preclude them from having the exemption applied.
Hope that helps and answers your question.
Sharon Toothill
Functional Skills for a learner with an EHC plan
We have a learner who is completing a level 2 apprenticeship. He has an EHC plan in place. He has already achieved level 1 functional skills in both maths and English prior to starting with us, although his IA's and diagnostics are showing him at entry 2. We obviously want to support him with his maths and English, but wondering whether we are required to enter him for the level 2 exams?