Esu Hill

WF13 3EX Postcode- Devolved or non-devolved postcode



Can someone please help me .We have 2 learners with the above postcode and we check the AEB database and the postcodes were non-devolved funded. We have a rule violation error stating the postcode is not funded. 

Feedback will be most welcomed.


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Steve Hewitt

It's in the middle of Kirklees, so clearly West Yorks, not even on the edge of... And doesn't appear to be a new postcode either, you're not using a (very?) old postcode file, are you?

Esu Hill

Thanks, I have now got it.  It did not show up on FIS only when I uploaded the ILR there was a rule violation. 

Steve Hewitt

Yeah, no, it wouldn't. FIS doesn't have the postcode dataset in, it's only on SLD.