Rowena Hunter

change of planned hours


A have a query please.  Due to admin error, we miscalculated the hours the apprentice would need in his learning plan and it should have been an additional 10 hours.  

Should I update the planned hours in the ILR to what it should be? ( current planned hours already meet the minimum requirement)

Should we update the planned end date or leave this as it is and make a note about the error so we know why the apprentice may take a little longer to complete? 

Is there anything else we ought to consider? 

We agreed not to recalculated the price and accept the loss as admin error.  


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Steve Hewitt

Did they start before or after 1 August this year? If after, I think I'd probably update it as it's a genuine error. If it was in last year's data/your R14, I would probably leave it with a note on the file.

Rowena Hunter

Hi Steve

Many thanks for your reply.  They started last year so I will do as you say and leave things as they are with a note on file.