Susan Solomons

DLOCK 10 and 12 errors on RO14


Hi there,

I've got 2 DLOCK12 errors on RO14, both of which learners are on a break in learning.  The ILR states they have temporarily withdrawn from the aim due to an agreed break in learning, with the associated date.  Have I missed something?  I've not got anything in destination or progression data.

Also, I've got 3 DLOCK10 errors on the reports page, but they are not showing up as errors on the Apprenticeship Service.  They are just learners who have stopped their Apprenticeship - Destination and Progression data has been added on the ILR return.

Neither DLOCK error is showing up on the Apprenticeship Service website.


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Martin West

Hi Sue,

The Dlock_12 indicates a date difference between the ILR and the date the employer has paused the record so you will need to check the dates to resolve.

Dlock_10 issues are similar in that the employer has stopped payments from a different date and if this is prior to the completion date it may affect payment.


Susan Solomons

Brilliant, will take a look - thanks

Susan Solomons

Hi Martin, I can see what has happened.  We put the learner on 'pause' in march due to Covid.  On the ILR completion code 4.  Then in August, whilst they were still on a break in learning, they left the company and didn't continue with the Apprenticeship.  The Apprenticeship Service was updated with the end date of August. 

If I change the ILR to code 3 for August, will the audit trail show on ILR submissions that he was on hold for a few months before leaving?

Martin West

Hi Sue,

Did you mean completion code 6? 

You change this to to 3 but leave the end date as per the BIL