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Beta version of the Cross Year Indicative Payments Reports launched


We have published a new report at R03 to help you understand what makes up your apprenticeship payments from August to November, during the overlap of ILR funding years.

This report breaks down the payments from your funding summary reports over this period to indicate the funding you are likely to see on your remittance advice for your non-levy procured apprenticeships and for your apprenticeships where the employer is on the Apprenticeship Service. For your non-levy procured contracts, this report also shows the amount of capping that may be applied.

You can find this report in your period end reports folder, with the submission history section on Submit Learner Data.

For further information and queries please use the ESFA enquiry form.


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We have created a YouTube video to support the introduction of the new Cross-year Indicative Payments report, which we issued as a Beta version for ILR collection period R03.

The video contains a walkthrough of the new report, and also explains some of the concepts we use to make and combine payments. We hope the report and video may be useful to apprenticeship providers in reconciling their remittance advices for November.

The video may be accessed on YouTube here.


Kathryn Atkinson

Good afternoon,

Please can you advise if there are any reports available on the Hub to help us reconcile payments for Apprenticeships Carry-in, I am struggling to identify which year the payments relate to, the only indicator appears to be the contract number on the remittance. For Levy and Non-Levy Apprenticeships we are able to use the Apps Monthly Payment Report which breaks down each line on our remittances to 19/20 and 20/21, this has been a great help but I am at a loss with the Carry-in payments.

Thank you.

Permanently deleted user

Good evening Kathryn,

Please match your R14 report payments against your 2019/2020 payments and your R03 payments against your 2020/2021 payments.

If you would like further clarity please can you raise this with the service desk.

We will be able to look into this for you. 
