Paul Baker

Return from BIL review


When a learner returns from a BIL we ensure a thorough review is conducted with each apprentice to ensure the progress to date is re-visited, what elements are outstanding and agree a new planned end date.

Can you use this tripartite review as evidence for a new start date in the ILR if no actual new 'learning' has taken place? The rules state on-programme assessments are an eligible cost (P109.8) Or do we need to wait until the learner has either recorded new learning via their OTJ log or engaged in learning (for us this will be via a remote virtual learning campus) 


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Martin West


The start date (restart date) must be based on the learning start date.


Martin West


It is normal to extend the planned end date by the length of the BIL therefore retaining the original planned duration of training, a BIL should not be used to change the duration of the original planned end date as it is a requirement that the original duration and planned end date must not be changed.


Paul Baker

Hi Martin, 

I'd agree that for the most part the overall duration of the programme should be retained however not in all circumstances.

What if the learner has been off for a year (or more) and on reengaging with the training provider it is assessed that they hadn't retained the knowledge previously gained and needs to re-do most of the the knowledge elements that was previously learnt? It would simply decrease the OP payments received by spreading these out over a longer time period. I can't see any other negative impact.

What if the learner had already exceeded the planned end date prior to going on a break but hadn't reached EPA gateway? Would you not add some time in for the apprentice to satisfy the requirements the apprentice will still undertaking training?

Martin West


While I can understand the rational in your argument for extending the original duration on a return from a BIL this may be seen as a method of circumventing the general rule not to change the planned end date (planned duration) where timely achievement is recorded (AEB, FM 35 and FM 36 Frameworks).

While currently timely achievement is not included for standards the change in 2018/19 to record the planned end date as the end of the practical period was introduced to enable reporting this in future QAR’s.


Sarah Lane

Hi Martin do you know if the return paperwork needs to be signed on the learning start date? 

For example if a learner returns to work and what they are doing is evidence towards their standard so classed as learning, but we are informed afterwards, can the return paperwork (particularly the Apprenticeship Agreement which the funding is based on) be signed after the return date we are entering on the ILR, or does the new start date have to be the date we get the paperwork signed?



Martin West

See the following from the funding rules,

P291 The apprentice may take a break in learning where they plan to return to the same apprenticeship programme. The decision to take a break in learning, the reason for the break and its expected duration must be agreed with the employer. This could include medical treatment, parental leave or leave for other personal reasons. You must record breaks in learning on the ILR and re-plan the delivery of any remaining training and/or assessment following a break, if required. The employer must revise the apprenticeship agreement if required.

The restart date would be the date the Apprentice restarts learning with the employer under the revised Apprenticeship agreement.

Sarah Lane

Thanks Martin.  Sorry so just to clarify the re-start date would be the start date on the revised AA, even if the employer and learner sign it after that date?  or would they have to sign it immediately? 

Martin West

I think you misunderstand as for a return from a BIL any revision to the Apprenticeship Agreement the employer must revise the apprenticeship agreement if required, the original start date would not change but a change may be required to the practical period end date and or programme end date.