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Thank you Sue Bishop in which case they would need to be on the register if they delivery over 100k of subcontracting I believe?
The current funding rules (V2 2021/22) state the following:
P180 You must only use delivery subcontractors that satisfy one of the following two criteria:
P180.1 they are on the published Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers and have applied by the main or supporting application routes; or
P180.2 they are either the apprentice’s employer, a connected company or charity as defined by HMRC and are on the published Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers, having applied through the employer-provider application route.
BW, Sarah
Simon Liversedge
Functional skills delivery Apprenticeships ROATP
Hi all, bit of a strange question that I have been asked.
Can a provider deliver functional skills as part of an apprenticeship if the provider themselves are not on RoATP?
They won't be delivering the App only the functional skills. I believe the App provider are looking to outsource this resource.
Thanks in advance