Simon Liversedge

Functional skills delivery Apprenticeships ROATP


Hi all, bit of a strange question that I have been asked. 

Can a provider deliver functional skills as part of an apprenticeship if the provider themselves are not on RoATP?

They won't be delivering the App only the functional skills. I believe the App provider are looking to outsource this resource.

Thanks in advance



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Sue Bishop

The functional skills 'deliverer' would be considered a subcontractor and you would then need to adhere to the subcontracting rules.



Simon Liversedge

Thank you Sue Bishop in which case they would need to be on the register if they delivery over 100k of subcontracting I believe?

Sue Bishop

That's what I understand, Simon, yes.



Sarah Mann

The current funding rules (V2 2021/22) state the following:

P180 You must only use delivery subcontractors that satisfy one of the following two criteria:

P180.1 they are on the published Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers and have applied by the main or supporting application routes; or

P180.2 they are either the apprentice’s employer, a connected company or charity as defined by HMRC and are on the published Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers, having applied through the employer-provider application route.

BW, Sarah