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The ILR must reflect that the Apprentice is employed until the EPA is completed and where there is a change of employer during the EPA the ILR should reflect this, if you have any issues with the employer setting up their DAS account in time then you should take this up with the EPAO to see what arrangements can be made.
P158 The apprentice must be employed until the end-point assessment is completed. The only exception is where the apprentice has been made redundant and we are funding the apprenticeship to completion. Consideration must be given to the potential time needed for any re-sit and / or re-training prior to re-taking the end-point assessment so the apprentice remains employed during this time.
We have the same scenario here , a learner is out of funding (past planned end date) and is just about to start the EPA process as all the learning has been completed but he has handed in his notice and moving employers. How can the EPA be funded? Do we just change employer on ILR and we'll still get the EPA payment if he passes/attempts?
Sue Scott
EPA and Employment
Just a quick couple of questions (I think)
1. Can a learner switch employers during her EPA (Ist part of EPA complete but still needs to do Professional discussion)
2. Our learner has completed everything and is just at gateway waiting for EPA dates. They have now switched employer. Can they do EPA as they will be employed but do they also need to be signed up as an apprentice with the new employer. By the time the Digital account is set up they could be done and dusted.
Looking forward to answers