Tom Bartlett

QAR Data at R10



Based on the webinar this afternoon they were suggesting that the QAR data should be visible in your view my education data portal however from what i can see there is no 2021/22 data available yet for providers to view? Am i right in thinking this and isn't R10's data used as a collection point for the production of this data for providers usually? Do we know when we should be able to see this?




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Steve Hewitt

Hi Tom

Was at a meeting with a QAR person a couple of weeks ago and they said we should have some in-year data based on R10 "in July". They also said it will include updating the dashboard as well as just the data files.

Paul Taylor

I was just looking for this myself so thanks for the update Steve.

They need to get this data out much more quickly so that providers have comparative data that matches this. Not all providers will have taken R10 cuts of QAR data or have the ability to run achievement rates from the R10 submission files so the data which will make the cross checking a little more difficult. 

Sarah Dunsmore

I'm trying to check what data is looked at from R10 submission so I can check it is all correct before we submit on the 6th.  We have run the FIS and I want to know which 'spreadsheet' is key?

Steve Hewitt

Hi Sarah

There's nothing specific for R10 vs the other returns, same as you'd always do. The QAR data that is produced post-R10 is for us to check things, NOT for ESFA to look at and, in general, it's just weird overdue/missing aims, so it's not even that particularly helpful for most people (unless you've somehow finished all of your delivery for the year by 1 June!!!).