Lyn Joyce

Change of employer from levy to non levy


hi we have an apprentice who has moved from one of our own levy businesses to a non levy franchise, do we now need to add a new ACT record to reflect the change from ACT1L to ACT1N ? Somewhere in the back of my mind I am under the assumption they would remain levy throughout you would only need to make the change if it was non levy to levy? But my brain is that puddled with the new RPL rules i may well be wrong.


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Martin West

You would process this as a change of employer and continue to record as ACT 1.

Lyn Joyce

Thankyou Martin, so the employer has been changed, but the ACT is still ACT1 Levy is this still correct, would the same also apply if they changed non levy to levy? All our apprentices are on the AS. MTIA

Martin West

All on DAS are ACT 1, note: ACT does not indicate levy/non levy but funded from DAS or contact with ESFA.

Lyn Joyce

Hi Martin 

They are coded up as follows two examples but the 2nd part where it states Levy is now incorrect, i have tried adding in a non levy as per example below and the batch errors?

ACT: Apprenticeship Contract 




1: Apprenticeship funded through a contract for services with the employer

1L: Apprenticeship funded through a contract for services with levy employer
ACT: Apprenticeship Contract Type 1: Apprenticeship funded through a contract for services with the employer
1N: Apprenticeship funded through a contract for services with non-levy employer

Any idea do I leave as is although it is incorrect?



ACT: Apprenticeship Contract 




1: Apprenticeship funded through a contract for services with the employer

1L: Apprenticeship funded through a contract for services with levy employer
ACT: Apprenticeship Contract Type 1: Apprenticeship funded through a contract for services with the employer
1N: Apprenticeship funded through a contract for services with non-levy employer



Martin West

Where does that come from?

Lyn Joyce


This is a screen shot from the learning aim ZPROG on Pics MIS system. I have successfully changed the employer without a break between employers, the issue is the Act is saying levy ? This was correct with the previous employer but the new employer is non levy. Both employers are on AS


Martin West

PIC's could give a better warning of what the issue is, it needs an update.