Jane Everett

Level 2 funding in the sixth form



Is anyone able to confirm whether funding is available for students to repeat a level 2 course in Year 12 if they took the same course in Year 11? It looks like this may be limited only to Maths and English. Thanks Jane


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Sangita Dhar (ESFA)

Paragraph 87 of the Funding regulations: (Advice: funding regulations for post-16 provision - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) state:

Educational progression

  1. Institutions must be able to demonstrate educational progression for students recruited onto programmes funded by ESFA and be able to record evidence of good educational reasons for individual students recruited to programmes which do not provide progression. All such students should only make up a small percentage of the total student cohort.

If you have any further queries, either post on Further Education and Training Providers area or submit a question using the enquiry form. 

