Sangita Dhar (DfE)

New users to ESFA Academies Communities


Pinned Academies

Hi all

Welcome to ESFA Communities, a peer to peer discussion forum for academies, maintained schools and local authorities.

All users will need to register on this new service to post topics/replies or subscribe for alerts.

How to register and post:

Sign in to create a post, you can do this from the Communities home page by either clicking the ‘Sign in / Create an account’ button in the top right corner, or by clicking the green ‘Sign in to create a post’ button.

Once you are signed in, click the green ‘Create new post’ button, this will redirect you to the new post page.

Select a radio button to assign your post to the relevant community forum, you can select either academies, maintained schools or local authorities.

Give your post a title that briefly describes what you are wanting to discuss.

You can then write in the large description box what you would like to discuss with the community. This box has a limit of 1000 characters. 

Finish by clicking the green ‘Publish post’.

If you have any comments or queries, you can reply to this post or email

Many thanks



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