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Broadly speaking, if you're delivering training that is required (which you could argue is the case where they're retaking the module because they failed it initially), you can include it within the training price.
As to what to do where the cost would then exceed the funding band maximum, you'd be required to agree/arrange for this to be paid outside of the ILR:
P207.2 If the price you agree with the employer exceeds the maximum of the funding band, then you must agree off-line (outside of the ILR and apprenticeship service) how the employer will pay any difference. We do not need to know about the amount of this difference. You may charge VAT on the difference. This difference must not be funded from the apprenticeship service account or co-investment.
Abbie Flavell
Module Retakes - Degree Apprenticeships
I am after some advice on, Degree Apprenticeships and module retakes and what to do about additional costs where the TNP is already the max funding band.
The Funding Rules state the below, but the ESFA doesn't seem to differentiate resit assessment or resit module...
P104 For main providers eligible costs for the delivery of training and on-programme assessment (that can be included in field “TNP1” on the ILR) are limited to the following: P104.4.2 Peripheral costs associated with a mandatory qualification. These include registration, formative on-programme assessment costs, examination and certification costs, plus the cost of one re-sit (per mandatory qualification) where needed.
Any advice would be great.