John Wellwood

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Commmunity Post

John Wellwood commented,

Steve thanks that worked you are a life saver.  Hour...

Steve thanks that worked you are a life saver.  Hours wasted but thanks to you I can now get back on with my life.  

Commmunity Post

John Wellwood commented,

Louise thanks it now says - any ideas  R122 The ...

Louise thanks it now says - any ideas  R122 The achievement date is not known, therefore the Date applies to record must be the same as the Learning actual end date. 1

Commmunity Post

John Wellwood created a post,


We have an apprentice who has withdrawn from the course.  I am trying to update the Learning Entry tool.  I assume that I must update each of the 2 aims.  I currently have  I am getting 2 errors  ...