Annabel Redshaw
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Annabel Redshaw created a post,
24/25 Apprenticeship Agreement and Employer Training Agreement
Hi Does anyone know where to find the new Apprenticeship Agreement template for 24/25, Employer Training Agreement and the Training plan? Thank you
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
Success rates - Achievement
Hi If an apprentice has an planned learning end date in 24/25 but completes and achieves EPA in 23/24 which year will the achievement show in?
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
EPA achievement when redundant
Hi We have an apprentice who was made redundant in December 2023 and has just achieved his EPA, how do we claim the completion payment? I have put a new employment status on for him of 11 and left ...
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
Apprentice achievement when made redundant
Hi If an apprentice needs to be withdrawn because of redundancy does this still affect achievement rates? Anni
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
Employer co-investment
Hi We have an apprentice that achieved his EPA in Sept 2023, on the monthly payments report it is showing that £50 is due from employer. The full £250 co-investment has been paid so wondering why ...
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
Price amount above funding band limit
We have an apprentice our total negotiated price is £17000 (funding bank upper limit is £21000), The apprentice has had prior learning from previous enrolment hence the £4000 reduction. We are sh...
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
ProSolution - rolling apprentices over to next academic year
Hi We are using Prosolution for our apprentice's. For the next academic year can they be automatically rolled over from 22/23 to 23/24 for their programme and component aims or does this have to b...
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
Employer update on reports
Hi How come the employer details (EDRS number) on the monthly payment reports don't change when an apprentice changes employer?
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
Co-investment below band upper limit due from employer
Hi Looking at the monthly payment report (which I don't think shows completion payments), we have an amount in the "co-investment below bank upper limit due from employer". The employer is a large...
Annabel Redshaw created a post,
Apprenticeship Service Account - Status update
Hi How long does it take for the status to be changed to completed on the apprenticeship service account after the apprentice has achieved? We have apprentices that achieved Jan / Feb 2023 that ar...