Chris Bennett
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Chris Bennett commented,
Yes, we have been getting the warning message appear...
Yes, we have been getting the warning message appear when adding learners at the new funding band, and this is also appearing for employers, however it hasn't prevented us or the employers from app...
Chris Bennett commented,
Just adding these bits (couldn't fit them in my orig...
Just adding these bits (couldn't fit them in my original post!) Provider Support Manual The way total negotiated price (TNP 1) is calculated is changing from 1 August 2022, and will be calculated ...
Chris Bennett created a post,
TNPs - learner restarting and new price exceeds rema...
We have a learner starting with us, they started the same apprenticeship standard in 2019 with a previous employer/training provider and subsequently withdrew. Following IAG and assessment of RPL, ...
Chris Bennett commented,
Have been running into the same problem today, can c...
Have been running into the same problem today, can create a new cohort and add the first apprentice details, but clicking 'add another apprentice' to add the 2nd+ learners threw up the error messag...
Chris Bennett commented,
It would be helpful if the ESFA could include an add...
It would be helpful if the ESFA could include an additional example and instructions within that article for the correct dates to use when the gap is within a calendar month, rather than straddling...
Chris Bennett commented,
Richard Holmden - my provisional R14 data download i...
Richard Holmden - my provisional R14 data download is now showing and available, hopefully yours is available too now.
Chris Bennett commented,
If these are apprenticeship standards (FM36) then th...
If these are apprenticeship standards (FM36) then the QAR uses the hybrid end year, which is the later of the: achievement year planned end year of the learning aim actual end year of the learn...
Chris Bennett commented,
I still have the option, a link to Upload apprentice...
I still have the option, a link to Upload apprentice(s) using a CSV file underneath the list of learners. Have noticed however that where an employer has given us permission to create a cohort on t...
Chris Bennett commented,
Cheers Paul Taylor, can understand why this has been...
Cheers Paul Taylor, can understand why this has been put in place, it is just trying to fully decipher how it applies in practice. Thanks Martin West, that is a clearer explanation in the technical...
Chris Bennett commented,
Bud is frustrating in that it automatically defaults...
Bud is frustrating in that it automatically defaults to exactly 'x' months after the apprenticeship start date (based on what is configured in the programme build) with no mechanism to confirm or a...