Have worked with ESFA training programme software for over 25 years. Formerly a senior training consultant for PICS with Pellcomp/Advanced, now available for freelance/contract work.
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Timmo commented,
PICS has an online help file and this page explains ...
PICS has an online help file and this page explains the sometimes complex conditions and calculations in some detail: https://pellcomp.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/POH/pages/2914516999/QAR+Calculation...
Timmo commented,
The PSM guidance is a bit vague and perhaps the most...
The PSM guidance is a bit vague and perhaps the most relevant words are to 'use your judgement'. I've put some of the key points in bold: "Data about a learner’s employment status is collected in t...
Timmo commented,
The screen in PICS that captures the PMR can also be...
The screen in PICS that captures the PMR can also be used for other learner payments so had to cater for non-integers. However it should be possible to validate for the ILR items and warn or error ...
Timmo commented,
Very odd indeed. Only other option I can think of is...
Very odd indeed. Only other option I can think of is to create a new file and then not open it at all in Excel before submitting.
Timmo commented,
If you open a csv file in Excel (which instinctively...
If you open a csv file in Excel (which instinctively I often do) it can mess with the format even if you keep it in csv - might be worth opening it in Notepad to check the headers?
Timmo commented,
Hi, from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/...
Hi, from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apprenticeship-technical-funding-guide/apprenticeship-technical-funding-guide-from-august-2023#Coinvestmentwaiver (my bold): Where an apprentice ...
Timmo commented,
If the achievement end date is in 24/25 it should id...
If the achievement end date is in 24/25 it should identify it in that year for QAR. My understanding of the theory is that ESFA merge the ILR data across the years and use the most recent year's da...
Timmo commented,
Hi Frances, they must know what their annual wage bi...
Hi Frances, they must know what their annual wage bill is. The only question then comes where that hovers around the £3M level rather than being well above or below, to know what the exact current ...
Timmo commented,
Hi Frances, so are you saying that some employers do...
Hi Frances, so are you saying that some employers don't know if they pay the apps levy and how can they find out?
Timmo commented,
"I do where possible try to make my own judgement bu...
"I do where possible try to make my own judgement but very often question myself." Definitely not alone in that!