Steve Hewitt
MIS and Funding specialist with over 20 years of experience! Remembers submitting funding returns on floppy disks through the post...
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Steve Hewitt commented,
Yes. Most of it has been the de facto policy for a couple of years, this is just the first time it's been explicit in the main Rules.
Yes. Most of it has been the de facto policy for a couple of years, this is just the first time it's been explicit in the main Rules.
Steve Hewitt commented,
It will come to providers to pay out like the standard apprenticeship incentives. Having said that, haven't seen when you'll get paid on the Traineeships (but haven't looked closely at the rules on it).
It will come to providers to pay out like the standard apprenticeship incentives.Having said that, haven't seen when you'll get paid on the Traineeships (but haven't looked closely at the rules on ...
Steve Hewitt commented,
I think we've had a chat about this, but on a very basic level, making sure the learner refs in the new system are entirely different from the old one is always a good idea! Also, if you *can* import the old learners into the new system at some point, it will be less hassle than possibly dual running for two years! The previous learner ref field is very useful in these circs. Other than that, just paying very close attention to how many learners you're expecting in a file to make sure no one gets lost. No real short cuts to that I'm afraid...
I think we've had a chat about this, but on a very basic level, making sure the learner refs in the new system are entirely different from the old one is always a good idea!Also, if you *can* impor...
Steve Hewitt commented,
I'm almost certain it isn't possible, it wasn't a couple of months ago when I had a client in a similar situation...
I'm almost certain it isn't possible, it wasn't a couple of months ago when I had a client in a similar situation...
Steve Hewitt commented,
I'd imagine it would be a two year deadline *if* it comes back?
I'd imagine it would be a two year deadline *if* it comes back?
Steve Hewitt commented,
Also, related to Martin's first question about Validation Rules spreadsheets, I'm not getting notifications from the traditional about updates here, I didn't know V2 had even come out (and I see V3 came out on Tuesday!). This needs fixing.
Also, related to Martin's first question about Validation Rules spreadsheets, I'm not getting notifications from the traditional about updates here, I didn...
Steve Hewitt commented,
OK, so, part of the thing about actually having this documentation as webpages is that the links can be updated. I'm just adding some L5 Apps and trying to work out what values/fields in the HE Learning Delivery entity need to be added. HOWEVER, when I go here: to find out about TYPEYR and click on the HESA link, it goes to basically the front page of HESA: rather than which seems sloppy at best, can they be corrected please?
OK, so, part of the thing about actually having this documentation as webpages is that the links can be updated.I'm just adding some L5 Apps and trying to work out what values/fields in the HE Lear...
Steve Hewitt commented,
Fewer learners or fewer valid learners? Somewhat different if they're still in the file but, for some reason, invalid versus not in the file at all (although can't think of much that just pops up at R14, recent Known Issues aside)? Still not entirely convinced that everyone understands what R14 is for (some of the questions from the recent webinar were a bit, um, surprising in their elementary nature...)
Fewer learners or fewer valid learners? Somewhat different if they're still in the file but, for some reason, invalid versus not in the file at all (although can't think of much that just pops up a...
Steve Hewitt commented,
Yeah, if you've read that in the PSM, you might want to go back and read it again...
Yeah, if you've read that in the PSM, you might want to go back and read it again...
Steve Hewitt commented,
Part of the issue with the PSM in particular is the lack of good search and that the tree structure used to link the pages to each part of the guidance is not intuitive. Also that linking to different parts of the page doesn't automatically appear in the URL bar, you have to right click and open in a new tab to get the link you want...
Part of the issue with the PSM in particular is the lack of good search and that the tree structure used to link the pages to each part of the guidance is not intuitive. Also that linking to differ...