Steve Hewitt

MIS and Funding specialist with over 20 years of experience! Remembers submitting funding returns on floppy disks through the post...

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Community Reply

Steve Hewitt commented,

Yes. Most of it has been the de facto policy for a couple of years, this is just the first time it's been explicit in the main Rules.

Yes. Most of it has been the de facto policy for a couple of years, this is just the first time it's been explicit in the main Rules.

Community Reply

Steve Hewitt commented,

It will come to providers to pay out like the standard apprenticeship incentives. Having said that, haven't seen when you'll get paid on the Traineeships (but haven't looked closely at the rules on it).

It will come to providers to pay out like the standard apprenticeship incentives.Having said that, haven't seen when you'll get paid on the Traineeships (but haven't looked closely at the rules on ...

Community Reply

Steve Hewitt commented,

I'm almost certain it isn't possible, it wasn't a couple of months ago when I had a client in a similar situation...

I'm almost certain it isn't possible, it wasn't a couple of months ago when I had a client in a similar situation...

Community Reply

Steve Hewitt commented,

Community Reply

Steve Hewitt commented,

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Steve Hewitt commented,