Clair Ayling

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Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling commented,

Can I just also mention, after reviewing the AAFD sp...

Can I just also mention, after reviewing the AAFD specification, that that if this approach resulted in more that 20 learners being on on FRM 37 then organisations will be considered "at risk" with...

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling created a post,

T Level Results - Partial Achievement

We have our first set of T Levels results this week.  Could I ask how a Partial Achievement is recorded in the ILR?  The ILR specification suggests that "'Partial achievement' should only be used ...

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling commented,

I would be interested to know too. My original query...

I would be interested to know too. My original query was in January an I received the reply in June. I have asked for further clarification. 

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling commented,

And thinking it would be contrary to this rule: 28....

And thinking it would be contrary to this rule: 28.1.2 If the provider cannot reduce the duration, they must still meet the minimum requirements of the off-the-job training policy for the full dura...

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling commented,

I can't seem to find it in either set of rules. Sure...

I can't seem to find it in either set of rules. Surely, this would mean any recognised RPL would trigger FRM37? 

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling created a post,

Advice to trigger FRM37 when RPL does not reduce dur...

I have just received this advice for recording reduced hours on the ILR where the RPL does not result in a reduction in duration.   My understanding was that we record the hours being delivered as ...

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling commented,

I am only seing £0s in 16-19 Funding although it is ...

I am only seing £0s in 16-19 Funding although it is showing learner count?

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling commented,

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling commented,

Thanks Tracey. Sorry you still haven't had a definit...

Thanks Tracey. Sorry you still haven't had a definitive answer. I can't think of any way of resolving and we updated one learner's record following audit advice and now have the same overclaim scen...

Commmunity Post

Clair Ayling created a post,

Return to Apprenticeship after Withdrawl and RPL

When a learner returns to an apprenticeship (with same provider) after Withdrawing, do we need to re-do the RPL and adjust the price?  Or do we just deliver the remaining programme and draw down th...