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You should always correct data where you find errors. There's no grace period, the Achievement Date is the date on which they sat that last part of the EPA. The only time you wouldn't enter that is if they failed, and they plan to do a resit.
It can impact on which year your results appear in. If the Planned End Date and Actual End Date and Achievement Date were in 22/23 (and you reported that before R14), the result goes in 22/23. If PED and AED were in 22/23, but Achievement Date was in 23/24, your result appears in 23/24 (hybrid end year). It also impacts on which year the completion payment is paid in, as that becomes due on the Achievement Date.
I had a colleague ask me if we could change the Achievement Date because they wanted to move the result into a different year, the answer was "absolutely not".
Poonam Thanki
Achievement Dates
Hi All,
In line for R14, can achievement dates be changed in line of when learner actually sat in EPA instead of when the training provider received notification? is there a grace period between the dates.
Will this affect success rates?
How will this affect the finance?