Annabel Redshaw

EPA achievement when redundant



We have an apprentice who was made redundant in December 2023 and has just achieved his EPA, how do we claim the completion payment?

I have put a new employment status on for him of 11 and left his ACT open from the employer.



thank you



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Ruth Canham-James

Did you set the OET to 1 on the new employment history record? The PSM has a note to add this.

The completion payment should then just come through all from ESFA (assuming they met the less than 6 months to Planned End Date OR completed over 75% of the practical period rule), once you've entered the Achievement Date and set the programme aim to Completed and Achieved.

Annabel Redshaw

Cheers Ruth, no I hadn't set the OET to 1 but I have now.  Didn't notice it on the top line of the PSM.


thank you


Annabel Redshaw

Hi Ruth

For some reason the apprentice isn't showing on the Summary payment report in R06, he was showing in R05 before the completion.  Do you know why this would be?


thank you



Ruth Canham-James

I don't know I'm afraid, you'll have to contact the Apprenticeship Service.