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Might be a bit of a faff, but best way to check is to manually find those learners in the XML files for the R14 and most recent submission. The matching process looks at the below data, so if one doesn't match it will trigger your FRM06:
- learner reference number or previous learner reference number
- UKPRN or previous UKPRN or premerger UKPRN
- learning aim reference
- programme type
- standard code
- framework code
- learning start date
Might want to also check you've recorded the original start date and restart indicator too, just in case.
Ben Cowdery
FRM06-But WHY?!
We have a number of FRM 06 errors for learners who were continuing (1) at R12 (and reported in R14) and subsequently went on a BIL (6) in the following AY and restarted again. The planned end date of their restarted aim has of course been extended. We can see no other reason why they have cropped up in FRM06 as everything else remains the same. Has anyone else had this scenario?