Charmaine Keeley

BIL after gateway/PED



A couple of questions please where a learner goes on a BIL after they've completed all activities on their Training Plan/gateway.

1. Do we need to record a BIL on the ILR? There's obviously no funding being paid, and no learning remaining for us to return them too after the BIL? 

2. We need to update the App Agreement if they're going to go past their apprenticeship end date, but as that date is on the Training Plan do we need to update that also? 

Thanks all! 


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Ben James

This thread should help re. your first question - Further education and training providers community - Break in learning at Gateway

As for the second question - yes, I'd suggest you update the training plan. You might not be updating the ILR, but the documentation should still reflect the reality of the situation. If the apprenticeship is going to be finishing later, this should be clearly stated so that all parties have a record. 

Charmaine Keeley

Thank you very much :)