Pippa Hayward

COE that falls over 2 months but less than 30 days


I was just interested to see how other providers tackle a change of employer that falls into two months but is less than 30 days. Say a learner leaves Employer A on 20/05/2024 and starts at Employer B on 01/06/2024: 

  • What stop date do you ask for from Employer A? 
  • If Employer A stops the record from May, do you record a BIL on the ILR even if it's only a few days long? 



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Ruth Canham-James

This is really good guidance for things like this.

Specifically this bit. Essentially, employer A ends up paying for May, even though they wouldn't if the apprentice had just withdrawn completely. Not really fair, but employers don't seem to notice. You just have to make sure employer A doesn't stop their record in May. If they do, and won't move it to June, you have to record a withdrawal and a restart!

Pippa Hayward

Thank you Ruth - not sure how I hadn't come across this article before!

Ruth Canham-James

It's not easily findable guidance and I don't think it was well announced 😕 They do appear to have updated some of it this year, so I assume any pages not updated in a while, still stand.