Kelly Knights

Active learning


Could someone tell me when the Active learning rule for Apprenticeship's was introduced and if we are expected to apply it retrospectively?

I have an apprentice who started in Oct20 and is ready to go through Gateway. He currently has no OTJ entries for two consquetive months of 2022 and I'm trying to establish if we should ask him to add something, granted it was over two years ago and maybe tricky. He has already met his planned OTJ hours

Thank you - Kelly.


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Ben James

It wasn't until 21/22 that they started getting explicit in saying 'at least one instance every 4 weeks', at least as far as the funding rules are concerned. They didn't say it was to be applied retrospectively, which makes sense as you can't really go back and 'find' evidence of monthly engagement if it doesn't exist. If they ask you for it, ask them to point to where the 20/21 rules said it was mandatory. 

New for 1 August 2021

P44.3 - Clarification: To be clear that apprentices must be engaged in active learning or on a break in learning (if inactive for 4 weeks or more). 

As far back as 16/17 there was a requirement for apprentices to be in active learning continuously.. but the rules didn't explicitly specify what that meant

B27. You must make sure that, the apprentice is involved in active learning or monitored workplace practice, throughout an apprenticeship. The apprentice can, after achieving all mandatory qualifications in a framework, stay in learning until they meet the minimum duration and embed the skills they have gained. You must have evidence that the apprentice continues in learning.