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If you're looking for a technical specification, I'm not personally aware of such a document having been published, but I'm more than happy to be educated on the matter if others know better. I think what I've linked should broadly service your needs though, as it does set out the basic logic for each funding line, if not the exact formula they use to calculate it, which I agree would be lovely.
For instance, P95 refers to the funding line 19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service), the logic for which would presumably be something along the lines of;
- Is the start date greater than or equal to 1 May 2017?
- Does start date minus date of birth mean the lea?
- Is the funding model 36?
- Is the contract type set to ACT1?
If all of those are marked as yes or 1, the funding line type would be set as 19+ Apprenticeship (Employer on App Service).
Apologies if this is not what you're asking.
Peter Hancock
ILR Derived variables
I would like to understand how the ILR derived variables are calculated, but I cannot find the definitions in any of the technical documents I have read. In particular, I am interested in the field for Funding Line Type.
Does anybody know where this information can be found?