Eleanor Piper

Help: completed learner, co-investment appearing for first time


We have reported a completion in R12 for one of our learners. The employer is a levy payer but we have had some of their newer learners show up on the co-investment report in recent months (which I assume means that their levy has run out). The completed learner was past his planned end date so all on-programme payments had ceased.

Having reported his completion this month, he has just shown up on the report for the first time as requiring co-investment.

I know that the funding rules say that main providers must have collected and recorded (on the ILR) at least the amount of co-investment required for the whole apprenticeship up to the month before the completion payment is due, not counting any coinvestment which might be required for the completion element itself.

Can anyone point me in the direction of exactly what I need to do next (and assuming this all needs to get resolved by R14)?
Obviously we can't collect the co-investment before his completion date now as he has already completed - but I assume that last bit in the rule quoted above (not counting any coinvestment which might be required for the completion element itself) means that's OK?


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Jessica De Melo

Could these be insufficient levy funds for the 20% completion payment?