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There's always a data migration spec in the ILR appendices that tells you stuff like this 😊
The ILR spec also explains this at the bottom of the page for the FundModel field.
Basically, starts before 01/08/2024 stay as 35. What error are you getting?
Thanks Ruth, so i've checked all the 23/24 continuing learners are still on FM35 and am now getting the error LearnDelFAMType_02, The Full or co-funding indicator must be returned for this Funding model. The applicable waiver is showing in the new funding year but not hitting the ILR by the looks of it this morning as they were all populated last night.
Hi Karen, did you manage to sort this? We've had a similar issue for those that had 363 as the LDM code, it's not available in 24/25 to input and only shows as valid to 31/07/2024. In the ILR specification where Adults Skills 35 is valid to 31/07/2025. I have raised this with the ESFA also
Hi Kelly, I've resolved the errors finally and have some that were on the 363 code that so far look to have rolled over ok, but you are right, it does say only valid until 31/7/24. For 24/25 new learners you have to use 391, i think 363 only works for continuing learners from a previous funding year now.. Let me know if you need any help
Karen Wintringham
23/24 Learner Rollovers on AEB
Just trying to sort the new ILR validation errors now we have moved over to FM38. Can someone clarify whether a learner who is continuing from 23/24 into 24/25 academic year needs to be rolled over on FM35 or FM38? I have tried both but get errors either way.
Many thanks