Dean Cox

Last Day of Learning & Functional Skills



Looking for some advice, as we have some learners who have not completed the required functional skills by the time they have completed the learning towards the main learning aim.

What status should the ZPROG, learning aim and functional skills aim be in if this scenario occurs?

Can the main learning aim be completed, but the ZPROG and functional skill still remain in progress until such time that the functional skill is completed? then ZPROG would go 1,8 until the EPA is completed?

Have heard conflicting information with what constitutes last day of learning. Our ILR data systems logic is designed to match the last day in learning from the main learning aim to the ZPROG, and it ignores the functional skills.

Many thanks, Dean.


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Ben James

Can the main learning aim be completed, but the ZPROG and functional skill still remain in progress until such time that the functional skill is completed? then ZPROG would go 1,8 until the EPA is completed?

If the learner is required to complete the functional skills in order to satisfy the gateway requirements, then the learning activities of the programme aren't complete until the functional skills are. In which case, what you've suggested would be correct. 

Steve Hewitt

But... If your SRS is going to have a fit, just leave the main learning aim open as well, it's not going to make a whole lot of difference...

Dean Cox

Thanks so much for your comments supporting the thought process, it is a rare occurrence, but it does happen and want to be sure it's returned on the ILR correctly.

Steve Hewitt If the functional skills aim is completed at a later time, should the main learning aim have its own earlier last day of learning, and the ZPROG last day of learning match the later date of the functional skills completion?

Steve Hewitt

Yeah, that's the way to do it!