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It appears to come under the category of students visas, so I'd say no to funding, but yes to enrolling as unfunded:
Time spent on student visas does not count towards three years residency, so even if they've been here for three years, if that was on this visa, I still wouldn't fund them unless I got specific guidance from ESFA that it was ok.
It looks like that visa can be as a student or a researcher, and it's listed under the category of student visa on the government website. You'll have to ask ESFA. I would definitely not fund unless I'd got express permission.
"Public Funds" usually doesn't apply to education, but I still wouldn't assume you can fund.
Tracey Grant
Eligiblity check - foreign national from Nigeria
We have a candidate who has the following on their visa - (there is an expiry date but they could do the apprenticeship in the time allowed). Would they be eligible as never heard of ATAS and this seems to be for University only. Also just to check that public finds only applies to benefits too?
thanks Tracey