Rebecca Finch

Using Sister Company Levy


Hi, I have an employer whose Levy has ran with existing apprentices.  They bought another company out but have retained the companies name and they are now asking that I transfer the apprentices on to this DAS account.  Can this be done as am thinking about payroll numbers?  


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Steve Hewitt

I mean, it's kind of like any change in employer? Have the employees been TUPEd to the other company?

Rebecca Finch

Hi Steve they haven't.  They are still working for the same company that has bought the other company.  It seems they are trying to think of ways not to pay the 5% co-investment now their Levy funds have expired

Steve Hewitt

Oh... Oh dear. No, that's not going to work... The employee needs to be on the PAYE scheme of the employer.

Can the sister co not *transfer* 50% of their levy pot to the other one? Or is that not going to be sufficient?

Rebecca Finch

I have a meeting with them tomorrow so I will ask that question.  Thanks for your ever!

Ruth Canham-James

What about if they've become Connected Employers? We have one Levy account but two employers/PAYE schemes, and we have to make sure we pick the right employer when our staff are doing an apprenticeship. All the money comes from one account though, so I guess both companies pay into the same pot? We deal with other examples like that. It's really easy to physically link employers in the AS (customers accidentally link themselves to us with worrying regularity whilst trying to give us permissions), but I don't know under what circumstances that's actually allowable. Also, does that change anything mid-apprenticeship? Ours have been connected from day one. Does connecting to a levy payer make that account levy? I just don't understand how connected employers work at all.