Becky O'Brien

Apprenticeship Prov and assessment register withdrawn - 11/12/24


Has anyone seen any information about the Apprenticeship Provider and Assessment Register (APAR) being withdrawn?

A colleague wanted a list of the EPAOs we use, and when I went to download the latest register to look up the names against the ILR codes, there was this message:

This publication was withdrawn on 

End-point assessment organisations no longer need to apply to be on a Department for Education register.


So, what list is the ESFA using now? How do they validate EPAO codes in the ILR? What source can we use now for knowing if the ILR codes are correct? IfATE just links back to the withdrawn register.


Checked recent ESFA


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Ruth Canham-James

Well that's unexpected! The ILR Spec and Provider Support Manual still refer to that guidance too, and there is still ILR validation that will stop you if you don't have an EPA Org ID (EPAOrgID_02).

Steve Hewitt

Right so, they took EPAOs off APAR because it wasn't as thorough an application process as they need to go through with Ofqual (and they need to do Ofqual first), per Billy's explainer here: so it's not a dreadful idea in the broadest sense...

Bit daft that they got rid of the VERY USEFUL list though...

(have asked the helpdesk, let's see how it takes!)


Ruth Canham-James

I've also asked the service desk. We either won't have to report EPA Org ID any more, or we need somewhere else to find the EPA Org ID, as it's not on the Find an EPAO tool.

Steve Hewitt

That customer "help" reply in full:

I understand from your email you are requesting where you can find accurate information of EPAO who can offer standards as some as the previous list was withdrawn on 11/12/2024 stating End-point assessment organisations no longer need to apply to be on a Department for Education register. You also explained that you need to know what codes to use to complete the EPAId field in the ILR.
This website allows you to search by standard and will list the EPAO’s that provide that standard. It will also provide contact details of the EPAO as well as the other standards they provide.
Find an end-point assessment organisation for your apprentice
The EPAO’s you contact will be able to provide their EPAO ID for the  ILR.

I told them this was a rubbish solution and one person doing this at DfE was infinitely more sensible than 1500 people doing it individually and they told me to make a complaint if I wasn't happy because that's seemingly the script now and, perhaps, explains why the complaint system was swamped... So, now I get to make a complaint about having to make a complaint, so that's a good use of everybody's time...

Ruth Canham-James

The helpdesk replied. This was my email:

This list has now been withdrawn:

I understand why, but how do we now find the EPA Org ID that is required in the ILR? The ILR Spec and Provider Support Manual for 24/25 still link to this withdrawn guidance, and there is a current ILR validation error (EPAOrgID_02) that won’t let us report apprentices without an EPA Org ID. The IDs can’t be found using the Find an EPAO site.

If we no longer have to report EPA Org IDs in the ILR, can the guidance and ILR errors be changed soon, and that announced in ESFA Update? If we do still need EPA Org IDs, can you tell me where to find them?

This was their reply:

The list is now called APAR and is linked below.

The Provider Support Manual front page links will be updated soon.

I hope you find this information helpful.

I actually started my next reply with "Please re-read my email. I’m afraid your response does not answer my questions." 🙄 

Steve Hewitt

Put my complaint about complaining in last week, let's see what comes of that...

Admittedly putting my preferred outcome as "an entire remodelling of the Civil Service so people stick around in one place for more than 18 months" might not be taken that seriously...

Becky O'Brien

Does not answer them at all. Frustrating.

Ruth Canham-James

Help desk forwarded my query to the Apprenticeship Service, who replied:

I understand from your email that you would like to know where you can find an EPAO's organisational ID as they do not appear on the APAR (Apprenticeship Provider and Assessment register) which replaced the EPAO register. 
I have escalated this to our Technical Support Team to investigate further. We aim to resolve issues within 10 working days but occasionally it can take a little longer; we will keep you updated if this is the case.

I do appreciate how AS support confirm what they think you're asking. I'll let you know when I get an update.