Rachel Shaw

Care leaver bursary - Rule violation



We have a learner, aged 19-24, who is entitled to the care leaver bursary. They are within the first 60 days of the apprenticeship. 

We have submitted code EEF4, inline with the technical funding guidance, but have received the following rule violation message: 

Field Values Error Message      
LearnFAMType=EEF|LearnFAMCode=4| The FAM type and code is not valid


Any clues as to what we may have done wrong?

Thank you.


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Ruth Canham-James

What rule code was this? There are a few that say that.

Rachel Shaw

Thanks Ruth. It's this one:

Rule Name

Ruth Canham-James

Well that's weird! The full rule for that is:

"If a FAM type is returned (LearnerFAM.LearnFAMType is known), the FAM code must be a valid lookup for that FAM type

(error where LearnerFAM.LearnFAMCode <> valid lookup on ILR_FAMTypeFAMCode)"

LearnerFAM.LearnFAMType is not null and LearnerFAM.LearnFAMCode <> valid lookup on ILR_FAMTypeFAMCode

But 4 is a valid code for FAM Type EEF. I think you'll have to ask the help desk. The rule references an external table (ILR_FAMTypeFAMCode) that we don't have access to.

Rachel Shaw

Thanks Ruth. Will do.

Faith Tombs (ESFA)


A colleague has flagged that you might have the used the wrong field name in the ILR:

  • LearnFAMType

They've said that you should use:

  • LearnDelFAMType

Unfortunately, there are a few fields in the ILR that have very similar names.

Hope that solves your problem! If not, please do get in touch via the Customer Help Portal.

Rachel Shaw

Hi Faith,

Thanks. We do now have a log with the Customer Help Portal. The Customer Help Portal has stated that it must be a problem with the MI system, so we have now gone back to the MI provider. I will send the information you have provided onto them as it must be some type of coding issue. 



Richard Phipps

Hi Rachel,

Just to add that with these queries over MI systems I find it helpful to open up the ILR file in Notepad (it's just a very big text document). Do a Find from the Menu (Or Ctrl+F) for the Learner's 'RefNo' and see exactly what fields are going in the data for them.
